His visual sense more than compensates for how little dialogue wanders through his book.

I want to see more of his work and I want to see it now. Pedrosa’s art is dynamic and assured, balancing a deep naturalism with necessary storytelling chops. Three Shadows, for all its heartbreak, really is a wonderful work. That brought me anywhere close to curly-ball status.

And it may be to Pedrosa’s credit that I could read through what should be some morbid, morbid stuff without curling up in a ball and hating the world for what it does to unlucky families.

One might reasonably presume that I would suffer some trouble while reading what amounts to a story concerning, principally, a father’s reaction to the news that his only child will soon die. The thought is ever only fleeting and I don’t spend my days weighted by a morbid gloom, but nonetheless the fear exists and is powerful enough to assert its presence daily. And yet every morning I wake up and wonder if this will be it, if this will be the last day I get to enjoy my child. I live in Southern California and the probability that my daughter will at least get a full two decades of life is ridiculously high. I am the father of a young daughter and the possibility of losing her haunts me. It’s times like this that the term comic is grossly inadequate as a descriptor of what it hopes to describe. Leukemia, cancer, some horrible incurable disease that causes the body to slowly shut down. Kids, from time to time, will die from terrible conditions that for-better-or-worse will give parents a good space of time in which to quietly go mad. If you’d prefer to stop here, I’ll just say that the book is very well done and is a simple treasure. As I came to realize where Pedrosa was taking me, I experienced something that those with prior awareness will never be able to experience. I had the opportunity to approach the book agnostically-that is, without any knowledge of its contents. Note: Three Shadows is a book that you may prefer to come to without knowing anything of its plot or subject matter.